Khamis, 9 April 2009

Friend Bahagian 2

Sambung.. tak habis lagi!

My grandfather always reminds me that under no circumstances, must I ever hurt the feeling of those who are close to me.' Friends should never have to say sorry to one another, that is why in the first place you must never hurt them by either your words, deeds, or actions',he said. He further added,'When you helping a friend, never expect he or she to returned the favour. It would be nice if the favour is returned but never press him or her for it. That is the true friendship', his wise words still rings in my ears.

Have yu ever commited mischief upon your friends? Like puncturing his bicycle for some reasons or other? What about name calling? Especially cruel ones like Din Kudung to the unfortunate boy who walks with a limp. Sometimes we think name calling is fun until you get hurt when somebody else calls you names that you don't like.

Before I end my words, I would like to share this with you the letter,
F-means find ways to comfort you
R-remember to pray for you
I-inspires you
E-enjoy life with someone like you
N-never forget you
D-dats me

Don't think of that as the true meaning of friend. Last but not least, don't forget this proverb: A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

FrIeNd Bahagian 1

saya yakin kawan-kawan semua mempunyai kawan
dan saya mahu kawan-kawan hayati teks ini.Teks ini ialah
teks saya sewaktu menyertai Public Speaking Competition-English Festival
Zone Level......
Oleh itu hayatilah...
I would like to explain that the word FRIEND stands for a person usually
not related but who feels mutual affection and regard for another.

I'm very sure that we all have friends and we definitely need friend. Can you imagine living a life without friends? without friends there would be no one to talk to and no one to cry or laugh with. In fact, you'll be like an island, all alone and perhaps, miserable too.

There are many kinds of friends, when you are young, you are surrounded by school friends, kampong friends, friends to play with and more importantly friend who share you tears and laughter

Having a group of loyal friends during ones school going years is the best thing that can happen to anyone. You eat,play and study together. In fact, there are so many thing that friends can do together that the years pass quickly by.

As a child, I never knew the criteria in choosing a friend. So much so that, more often my parent choose my friend for me.They often decide whom I can be friend. There are kids that I would make friends but mum and dad decide otherwise.Then, there are those whom, paticularly do not take a liking to but was encouraged to be friend. Sometimes parents think they know everything and rebuke us kids for thinking we know everything.